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A member registered Jun 02, 2023

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Don't let the first debuffs you apply be temporary!

If you apply 6 blindness for 5 seconds but those get reflected, you (of course) take 6 blindness, but then after 5s you cleanse 6 blindness from your opponent!

@fucifer, this doesn't feel like a bug per say, but in other games I've seen where it works like this, the debuff is usually applied along side a "remove blindness" buff rather than having the sword acting again in 5s.  That makes the interaction when you first encounter it less surprising (though also it makes it possible to steal the buff which maybe you didn't want to happen?)

Unclear if this is a bug, but I'm gaining 7 spikes per shield at the start of combat.  Is the start of combat "once" per round even though it's seven spikes?

On a related note: two shields appear to be almost ready to proc again and one just procced.  It's not clear to me how they'd ever get out of sync with one another.

Does version 0.1.1 have your hotfix?
Also, this is maybe not just a matchmaking issue -- 175hp is a lot of max HP, I'm not sure how you could get there unless the game didn't end for @migcreator when it was supposed to.

Your matches aren't necessarily live; you're playing against the build of another player, but not against them in real time.  Sometimes you play against a past self, too.